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Finance Magazine - April 2002 Issue

‘Deal of the Year’ goes to IL&P’s acquisition of TSB Bank
Ireland’s top plcs have voted Irish Life & Permanent (IL&P)’s E430 million acquisition of TSB Bank as ‘Finance Deal of the Year’.
Industry may have to pay for new regulation
The proposed Bill for the formation of Ireland’s new financial services regulatory structure has just been published but leaves many questions unanswered.
Industry calls for simplification of legislation
Mixed reactions to the Pension Bill have highlighted the need for a simplification of the Irish pension market legislation.
Blueprint for new regulatory structure published
IFSRA Bill should be withdrawn
Responding to the publication of the IFSRA Bill which allows for a single regulatory structure in Ireland, Ray Kinsella says that the institutional structure and mandate of the regulatory arrangements envisaged in the Bill are fatally flawed and therefore the Bill should be shelved.
FINANCE is moving!
Fintel Publications Ltd are moving from our offices in Ballsbridge to Beacon Court in Sandyford Business Park.
Brady joins Careers Register
Careers Register is pleased to announce the appointment of Stephen Brady as Recruitment Consultant.
Jury is still out on pan-European pensions
The development of a suitable pan-European pensions product for employees of multi-national corporations was the topic of much debate in a seminar held on Wednesday, April 10th, in conjunction with the Finance Dublin Annual Conference.
O’Neill appointed to Ulster Bank board
Declan O’Neill has been appointed to the board of Ulster Bank.
Capital allowances boost property investment
The recent sale of La Touche House to a group of 62 Irish investors has highlighted the attractiveness of capital allowances for property investment.
Conference a success
Over 260 delegates attended the recent Finance Dublin conference, which featured keynote speeches by the Minister for Finance, Charlie McCreevy, Michael Noonan, leader of Fine Gael and John Hurley in of his first speaking engagements as new Governor of the Central Bank of Ireland.
Deal of the year 2002: Permanent tsb is most admired M&A deal
FINANCE's annual deal directory of the most interesting M&A transactions of he past 12 months profiled by Ireland's corporate finance advisors.
Deals of the year: As profiled by Ireland’s corporate finance advisers
Deals in excess of E1000m
Directors need to act in the best interest of the company
Stephen Hegarty looks at the responsibilities facing company directors when a bid is made for their company focusing on the Irish Takeover Rules.
Post-acquisition integration process makes or breaks high-growth companies
Current news coverage of mergers in the technology sector is dominated by the probable merger of HP and Compaq. However, mergers and acquisitions don't always go according to plan and the easy part is closing the deal. Finance talks to Maurice Healy, managing director of Calyx Ltd, about proactive measures for surviving restructurings.
M&A activity should pick up in 2002, but challenges remain
Leo Casey predicts Irish M&A activity in 2002 by deal type and industry sector and says that the level of activity should exceed 2001 levels. However, he highlights a challenge facing the large cap and traditionally acquisitive Irish plc's such as CRH and Kerry Group, who will find it difficult to identify increasingly large acquisition targets, which are becoming scarcer.
Soft landing of Celtic Tiger presents M&A opportunities for acquirers
David O’Donnell looks back on 2001 and says that many public companies are now potential acquisition targets due to the hammering their share prices have taken over the past year.
New Competition Act will change the business landscape
The Competition Act 2002 was signed into law by the President on April 10, 2002 although its provisions will not take effect immediately. The Act replaces all existing competition and mergers legislation in Ireland and it brings about a number of changes which mirror actual or proposed changes to EC competition law says Helen Kelly and Karen Gibbons.
The greatest risks to information systems come from within
Employees and contractors pose the biggest threat to companies’ information systems as they are best placed to know where security weaknesses are and can also identify the best prizes to go after says Michael O’Farrell.
Making pan-European pensions a reality
John Feely, manager of strategy and business development, Abbey National Financial & Investment Services, chairman of the Irish Association of Pension Funds, and member of the board of directors, European Federation for Retirement Provision goes to London to work on achieving the ‘holy grail’ that is pan-European pension plans.
Financial institutions need to be focussed on eventual impact of Basle Accord
International developments in regulation, such as the Basle Accord, have a direct impact on Irish financial institutions and can affect their risk management strategies says Lorcan Tiernan.
Audit and accountancy Bill to restore confidence in professional services
Peter Carroll welcomes a new Bill which will establish a supervisory authority for the accountancy and auditing professions.
Tax competition hots up
The UK has introduced a package of tax incentives that are aimed at attracting to the UK mobile international investment in the high tech area. Ireland may have to respond with similar measures in the areas of research and development, holding company regimes, and share options.
Shake-up in pensions
A case on which the ECJ will shortly rule is likely to have major implications for pension schemes throughout the EU. It may make it possible for a group to have a single pension scheme for its employees in all EU member states.
Harmony once again
The ‘tax harmonisation’ banner has been raised in the EU yet again. This time the focus is on aspects of tax other than the tax rate. The ultimate objective is to make harmonisation of tax rates inevitable.
Irish property investors look to UK market for higher return
The UK commercial property market is becoming increasingly attractive for Irish investors as it offers higher yields and greater liquidity says Sean O'Brien.
Panel expects US dollar to continue to outperform Euro
Each month, the Finance Markets Panel, which consists of leading Irish market participants and analysts, provide views on key financial markets, covering currencies, equities and the gilt markets.
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