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Finance Magazine - January 1999 Issue

New euro era: the stuff of dreams
The start of phase II of EMU brings about possibilities for hedging and risk management that treasurers in Ireland could only dream about up to now.
Strong year for financial shared services sector
1998 was a very successful year for the IDA in attracting financial shared services centres into Ireland.
PPP’s prospects further away ?
The Minister for Finance edged the process of Public Private Finance a step closer in his budget speech, but in a direction that was not expected.
National Accounts forecasts for 1999
Despite the severe infrastructural bottlenecks (in the housing and transport infrastructural sectors) and the fall in short term unemployment below 4 p.c., both the ESRI and the Central Bank are forecasting continued rapid growth in the Irish economy in 1999, ‘well above’ (to quote the Central Bank) ‘the long term growth potential’.
New year, new currency
With this issue of FINANCE being the first in phase II of European Monetary Union - the implementation phase -it is natural that the euro, now the national currency of Ireland, should dominate our coverage.
Corporation tax clawback proposed in budget
Gearoid Griffin highlights a number of the issues raised in the budget which are awaiting further and significant clarification in the Finance Bill.
EURIBOR panel banks
The EURIBOR benchmark interest rate will be derived from the rates quoted by the following panel of banks.
IBI Corporate Finance announce new private company unit
IBI Corporate Finance recently announced the establishment of a new dedicated specialist unit, IBI - Private Company Unit, to cater for corporate finance services required by private companies.
Dealers of the year on ‘98 and ‘99
The Irish Association of Corporate treasurers handed out the laurels in December to those treasury bankers who served them best over the course of 1998. Finance asked the winners to offer their thoughts on 1998 and the year ahead.
Life in the Eurozone
The heads of treasury in the three institutions nominated in the IACT awards on phase II of EMU.
Treasurers can now reap rewards of euro preparation
Sean Grace, chairman of the Irish Association of Corporate Treasurers looks forward to phase two of the EMU process.
The big five on the euro
Looking for some New Year reading on the euro? Una McCaffrey reviewed the major publications on offer from the ‘Big Five’ accounting firms.
Limerick based corporate finance firm taking on the rest
BDO Simpson Xavier Corporate Finance Limerick first came to the attention of the corporate world when they led the McInerney Group through their remarkable restructuring - defying the predictions of all major market commentators.
True value may not determine what you pay
Before you can buy or sell any business you must first agree what it is worth. The big question is - what price should you ask? or what should you be willing to pay? Mark McComish, whose speciality is buying and selling companies through CFM Capital, the merger and acquisition arm of Chapman Flood Mazars, says that vendors should have realistic expectations and acquirers must understand these expectations.
The art of raising finance for ‘S&T’
Jim Mulqueen discusses the particular problems associated with raising finance, and common pitfalls that should be avoided by start-up software and technology companies.
Looking for the next Iona
Philipp Matuschka on the practical steps required.
Making use of the Freedom of Information Act
The Freedom of Information Act, 1997, which came into operation on 21 April, 1998 is a landmark statute. For the first time, individuals and businesses are given a general statutory right of access to information held by public bodies, including their personal files. Niall Michel says businesses in Ireland are well advised to make use of this facility sooner rather than later, for their own competitive advantage.
A Radical Curate’s Egg ?
Budget 1999 has been described as radical tax reform. Its impact on personal taxes is probably good in terms of promoting economic development. Other aspects, not much focused on by the media, may be ill considered.
Surcharge on Business
Budget 1999 contains a proposal to review the possibility of extending the surcharge on undistributed trading income of closely-held companies. This is by way of partial clawback of the reducing corporate tax rates.
Euribor winning the battle
The impending introduction of the single currency has intensified the level of competition between the financial centres of London and Continental Europe.
Common accounting standards move closer
It has become increasingly apparent that the EU Company Law directives, in particular the Fourth and Seventh Directives, have served Europe well but may not be fully responsive to current accounting and reporting needs.
Eye on the books: A Day in the Life of the Group Finance Director of Aer Lingus
John O'Donovan on the cut and thrust of funding Aer Lingus' fleet and hedging its risks
Roadmap for 1999
I ’m always wary about making long term predictions.
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