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Dealing service wins in stockbroking survey Back  
John Sheehan is voted analyst of the year in Finance’s 15th annual stockbroking survey.
A shake up in the rankings of the major firms emerges from the 15th Finance Annual Stockbroking Survey, published in this issue.

John Sheehan of NCB Stockbrokers has been voted analyst of the year. This was the first year a cross-sector ‘best analyst’ category was introduced and Sheehan took the honours just ahead of John Coolican of Merrion Capital.

John O’Reilly of Davy Stockbrokers was voted third, with economists Colin Hunt of Goodbody Stockbrokers in fourth place, and Robbie Kelleher, again of Davys, in fifth.

The annual survey which is conducted amongst key Irish and international fund managers is their opportunity to rate Irish stockbrokers themselves as well as their services.

The survey also found the quality of Irish stockbrokers day-to-day dealing service is the most important aspect of the service they provide to fund managers.

Day to day dealing service maintains its top slot for the second year in a row, indicating the importance to the fund management community of accessible and reliable services. But fund manager attitudes are changing as is apparent from the change in priorities. Equity research quality has slipped down the rankings and fund managers have for the first time cited the importance of having independent research from their stockbrokers. This is an issue which has generated much media attention over the last year but its appearance in the Finance Stockbroking survey at the number four slot means this is something that fund managers are very aware of.

The most dramatic change is the slip in rankings of the quality of equity research - it was ranked number one in the survey for 1999 and 1998 and has always been a dominant performance criteria.

The increasing importance of the international element in stockbroking is showing up clearly in this year’s survey with two new categories. Fund managers rated the international stockbrokers in terms of their dealing service and their equity research - with UBS Warburg winning both titles. But Irish stockbrokers will be interested to note the rising importance of the ‘knowledge of international markets’ on the fund mangers’ list of performance criteria. Last year it was the least important element to institutional investors - but this year it moves to number 7.

See separate ‘Stockbroking’ supplement, page 8 - 10, for the full report).

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