Who's who in Finance: Larry Gordon, Head of Financial Markets, ING Barings/Bank Brussels Lambert , Dublin branches |
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Larry Gordon
Head of Financial Markets, ING Barings/Bank Brussels Lambert , Dublin branches.
Current responsibilities: Responsible for all Financial Market activities of both banking arms of the ING Group in Ireland. This includes managing the treasury team and any business activities with Irish Financial Institutions
E-mail: larry.gordon@bbl.be
Education: Fourth level: Dublin City University, MSc. in Investment & Treasury, 1996. Third level: UCD/Institute of Bankers in Ireland, Bachelor of Financial Services, 1994. Second level: St. Kevins CBS, Ballygall, Dublin 11.
Other qualifications: Professional Banking Certificate and Diploma - Institute of Bankers in Ireland.
Professional memberships: Member of National Executive of ACI Ireland - The Financial Markets Association; Member of Irish Association of Corporate Treasurers; Member of Institute of Bankers in Ireland.
Career progress: I spent 14 years with AIB Bank. I started my career in branch banking before moving to treasury. I worked in the London dealing room for 6 years and returned to the Institutional Treasury desk in Dublin in 1992. I was a member of the International Treasury team dealing with foreign owned companies in Ireland on their F.X., money markets and interest rate risk management.
I moved to Bank Brussels Lambert in 1996 as Head of Treasury and following the takeover of the Bank by ING Group and subsequent integration in Ireland I was appointed Head of Financial Markets for both ING Barings and BBL in Dublin earlier this year.
Special projects: I set up the Treasury of BBL from scratch in 1996. Project leader for Y2K, Euro, BCP teams in BBL and currently leading e-commerce initiatives for both banks.
Currently involved in organising the International Dealer Seminar, Dublin 2001 under the auspices of ACI Ireland - The Financial Markets Association. To be held in Dublin from 31st of September - 5th of October.
Personal: Date of birth: 12/12/63. Place of birth: Dublin. Family: I am married to Myriam and have three children - Rebecca (6), Daniel (4) & Mathew (11 months).
Social & sporting memberships: Member of Corrstown G.C., Kilsallaghan, Co. Dublin; Member Forex Ireland and IFSC Golf Societies.
Interests: GAA, Golf, Irish International Teams in all sports.
Recommended books: Business: Managing Individual and Group Behaviour in Organisations by Feldman & Arnald. Non-business: Anything by John Grisham and easy reading material from Jack Higgins / Dick Francis. |
Article appeared in the June 2001 issue.