Merrill Lynch is one of three IFSC banks on The Banker magazine’s top 1000 world banks, alongside Depfa Bank and WGZ-Bank Ireland, on a list which also includes the main Irish domestic banks. AIB was once again has been ranked as the largest Irish bank, and the 53rd largest bank in the world, while Bank of Ireland was the only other Irish entry in the top 100 banks, coming in at 80th place. Merrill Lynch was the only new entrant of the Irish banks, coming into the poll at 105th place.
All of the banks on the list are rated according to the strength of their tier 1 capital, of which AIB has $13,323 million. Bank of Ireland is next in line of the Irish banks with $8,877 million in tier 1 capital.
WGZ-Bank Ireland was the lowest rated of the Irish banks, in joint 968th place and with strength of tier 1 capital of $245 million. Every other Irish bank listed finished inside the top 250 banks. DEPFA Bank, recently acquired by Hypo Real Estate, was the highest rated Irish bank according to the size of its assets, with $293,619 million in assets. |