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Friday, 7th February 2025
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Grant Thornton looks to financial services Back  
For the first time, professional services firm Grant Thornton has appointed a partner focused on financial services, as the firm looks to benefit from Ireland's booming financial services sector.
Nick Davies will head up the division in the Dublin office, and he will hope to capitalise on the firm's expertise through its international network in this sector. Davies will focus on the funds industry, and is working with others to develop and deliver a range of audit and advisory services to various sectors of the financial services market, specifically in the area of risk management and regulatory compliance.

Speaking to FINANCE, Davies said, 'Internationally, Grant Thornton has recognised the need to expand its financial services presence in major capital markets centres such as Dublin. It was a logical strategy for Grant Thornton Ireland to build on its existing financial service capabilities. Overall, the sector faces many challenges and as a consequence professional services opportunities continue to present themselves. As the organisation locally and globally has strong sector credentials, it is our intention to reinforce our position as a credible alternative professional services provider'.
Before joining Grant Thornton, Davies was a financial and international services partner with Ernst & Young in Eastern Europe.

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