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Friday, 7th February 2025
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FIBI on the road to further success Back  
Michael Deeny has just taken over form Mike Ryan (Merrill Lynch) as the new Chairman of the Federation of International Banks in Ireland (FIBI) - tje representative voice of international banks based in Ireland. As part of the Irish Banking Federation, FIBI was established to ensure that the policy priorities of the international banking community in Ireland were identified and addressed. Today, FIBI has over 50 members - including 25 of 50 largest banks in the world - whose operations extend to the most innovative and dynamic sectors of the financial services industry.

As Michael Deeny states, the importance to the Irish economy of the international financial services sector can be assessed in any number of ways, all of which are significant – in terms of employment generated, national spend or tax contributed to Government. He points in particular to the fact that financial services make up Ireland’s 4th largest services export sector; and IFSC exports - comprising business, insurance and financial services - totalled €14.8 billion in 2005.

‘A strongly supportive political, legislative and fiscal regime have been instrumental in making Ireland’s international financial services sector the success that it is today. In FIBI we are committed to continuing to work in partnership with Government, its agencies and all other stakeholders to maintain the fruits of that success for Ireland Inc. and to support further growth and success in the years ahead’, states Deeny.

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