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Thursday, 6th February 2025
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FGS jumps up the ranks Back  
Farrell Grant Sparks, the Dublin accountancy firm, has merged with Northern Ireland’s McClure Watters, and Longford based Lyons Keenan Kilemade, to create the sixth largest practice in the country, with 20 partners and 200 staff.

According to last year’s FINANCE Accountancy Survey, FGS reported fee income of €15 million, just behind Mazar’s €16 million. However, the acquisition of two additional accountancy firms should see FGS come in sixth place in the league table in next year’s survey, behind BDO Simpson Xavier, which reported income of €54 million in 2005, and ahead of Grant Thornton, which reported income of €21 million in 2005. The 2007, due to be published in the October edition, should reveal that the new firm is, with fee income of over €16 million.

The practice will specialise in taxation and wealth management; audit; internal audit and corporate compliance; corporate restructuring and insolvency; corporate finance; public policy; management consultancy (including socio-economic analysis, strategic reviews, human resources and ICT); public private partnerships and major property procurement.

In the short-term, and until all regulatory matters have been finalised, the firms will continue to trade under their individual names.

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