Finance Dublin
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Date for your diary - 28th-29th November 2005, The Burlington Hotel, Dublin Back  
The Finance Dublin Securitisation Conference 2005 Investment and Issuance: Debt, ABS and Credit.
The definitive annual event for all players active in securitisation in Ireland. Following on from the success of the past three conferences, Finance Dublin is currently finalising a programme of key topics for investors and issuers – issues to be addressed include trends influencing the credit markets; innovations in ABS, CDOs and CLOs; regulatory and accounting updates; default trends; improving efficiency in the trading of securitisation; opportunities and predictions for investors; the global high yield market outlook; ABCP options for issuers; covered bonds; the role of the regulator in encouraging the growth of Ireland as a securitisation and structured finance centre; special policy debate on what the Irish securitisation industry needs for its future development and more.

Plus: On 28th November 2005 there will be two separately bookable seminars offered in addition to the conference programme entitled ‘Securitisation 100 - Introduction to Securitisation’ and ‘Securitisation 200 - Advanced Securitisation’.These seminars are being chaired by Dr. Moorad Choudhry, Visiting Professor, Department of Economics, London Metropolitan University, and Visiting Research Fellow, ISMA Centre, University of Reading. Moorad is a leading writer and author of numerous books covering areas such as credit derivatives, bonds and money markets, European structured financial products, fixed income securities and derivatives and more.

Details: www.financedublin.com/conference.

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