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Training for corporate treasurers Back  
The Certificate in International Cash Management (Cert ICM) run by the Institute of Bankers is an international qualification which has been specifically developed by the Association of Corporate Treasurers (ACT) for those working in within banks and corporates in Europe, Asia and the United States. Although the deadline for Institute courses is September 9th, the Cert ICM has a deadline of September 30th.
The Institute of Bankers in Ireland is the established professional body for banking and financial services in Ireland with over 20,000 individual members and 40 corporate members. The Certificate in International Cash Management (Cert ICM) is an international qualification which has been specifically developed by the Association of Corporate Treasurers (ACT) for those working in within banks and corporates in Europe, Asia and the United States. It is the only qualification to focus exclusively on global and multipoint cash management.

The Association of Corporate Treasurers
Established in the UK in 1979 the Association of Corporate Treasurers (ACT) is a centre of excellence for professionals in treasury, risk and corporate finance operating in international marketplace. It has more than 3,000 members for both the corporate and financial sectors, with representatives from 95 of the FTSE 100 companies. With more than 1,500 students in more than 40 countries, the ACT promotes study and best practice in finance and treasury management. Its examinations are recognised by both practitioners and bankers as the global standard setters for treasury education.

The course content is highly practical and centres on creating a thorough understanding of the corporate treasury structure, international operations and the role of banks. The Certificate in International Cash Management is offered jointly in Ireland by the Association of Corporate Treasurers (ACT) and the Institute of Bankers in Ireland.

Who should take this qualification?
The certificate is relevant to:
• Bankers who want to understand and advise their clients on cash management issues
• Cash managers working in corporates
• Anyone with responsibility for cash management outside of their own country
• New entrants into European corporations
• Treasury professionals who wish to broaden their international cash management knowledge

Why do you need this qualification?
Following completion of the programme candidates will:
• Have a detailed understanding of international cash management from both a corporate and banking perspective
• Appreciate cash management risks, regulations, money laundering and foreign exchange issues
• Understand global money transmission techniques and the details of major clearing systems
• Having acquired a suitable toolkit for practical international cash management, including the use of instruments and strategies for optimising cash flow efficiency

Designed as a six-month distance-learning programme the syllabus centres on creating a thorough understanding of corporate treasury structure, international operations and the role of banks. The course includes:
• A comprehensive study manual
• A five day International Cash Management School where you will be given the opportunity to meet fellow professionals from a wide variety of backgrounds, and exchange ideas about current best practice. The school will be held at the Institute of Bankers in Ireland Education Centre at 1 North Wall Quay, IFSC, Dublin 1 for January 31 to February 4, 2005.
• An innovative e-learning support website.
• International Cash Management School

The International Cash Management School is taught by leading international cash management tutors, and incorporating case studies led by cash management practitioners, the five day school enables students to actively participate in all activities, enabling them to understand and provide solutions to typical cash management issues. The International Cash Management School will take place from January 30 to February 3, 2006.

Innovative e-Learning delivery
Our comprehensive e-learning programme offers:
• A menu of engaging interactive exercises
• A fully searchable manual and personalised bookmarks enabling you to highlight key areas
• A tutor moderated discussion forum bringing the classroom experience direct to your desktop
• A glossary of key cash management terms that you might come across in your studies or day-to-day work

The e-learning programme is made available to all students taking the Certificate in International Cash Management and is an integral element of the programme. For a free demonstration of the e-learning programme please visit www.treasurers.org/ cmdemo

Gerry Grenham is education executive at the Institute of Bankers. Further information on these and all other Institute programmes are available from: Institute of Banker in Ireland, 1 North Wall Quay, Dublin 1. Telephone: 00 353 1 611 6500.
Fax: 00 353 1 611 6565. Email: info@bankers.ie

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