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Leading writer to lead two entry level seminars on securitisation at conference Back  
Finance Dublin will offer an expanded educational programme on 28th November 2005 at The Finance Dublin Securitisation Conference 2005 in the form of ‘Securitisation 100 - Introduction to Securitisation’ and ‘Securitisation 200 - Advanced Securitisation’. These seminars are being chaired by Dr. Moorad Choudhry, Head of Treasury of KBC Financial Products, London, and Visiting Professor, Department of Economics, London Metropolitan University, and Visiting Research Fellow, ISMA Centre, University of Reading. Read more about Moorad: www.financial-gurus.com/investing/rules. Moorad Choudhry is author of The Bond and Money Markets (Butterworth Heinemann 2001), Structured Credit Products: Credit Derivatives and Synthetic Securitisation (John Wiley 2004) and The Money Markets Handbook (John Wiley 2005).

Moorad Choudhry

The events are part of the ‘Finance 100’ series of seminars, which are a unique training and educational experience for staff. The ‘Finance 100’ seminars are produced by Fintel Publications, publishers of FINANCE and Finance Dublin, and have several features: (1) they deal with the basics and essentials, (2) they offer a comprehensive introductory overview of a topic, (3) they offer several different speakers/lecturers, giving a variety of perspectives, and (4) they deal with difficult but relevant topics and (5) they are offered by lecturers who are also practitioners, and who are leading international authorities on their subjects. Already in the past year, over 200 delegates have attended ‘Finance 100’ seminars, at the inaugural ‘Securitisation 100’ seminar in November 2004, and ‘Credit Derivatives 100’ and ‘Hedge Fund Administration 100’ in April 2005.

Full detailed seminar and conference programmes as well as registration details are available at www.financedublin.com/conference.

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