Who’s who in Finance: Paul Droop, Senior investment consultant, Watson Wyatt LLP |
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Paul Droop is a senior investment consultant with Watson Wyatt LLP. His main responsibilities include the provision of investment advice to pension schemes and their corporate sponsors. He also has a responsibility for business development within the investment practice. He holds degrees from Macquarie University, Sydney, and Birkbeck College, London. He started his career with County NatWest Australia and had a spell at Ernst & Young before moving to Watson Wyatt LLP.
Paul Droop
Senior investment consultant, Watson Wyatt LLP
| Paul Droop |
Current responsibilities: The provision of investment advice to pension schemes and their corporate sponsors. I also have a responsibility for business development within the investment practice.
Education: Third level: B.Ec, Macquarie University (Sydney) 1989; M.Sc. Birkbeck (London) 1994; Second level: Armidale High School
Career progress: 1988-1990, Economist equity strategy research, County NatWest Australia; 1990-1994, Economist Ernst & Young ITEM Club; 1994-1997, Chief Economist Ernst & Young ITEM Club; 1997-2003, Group Economist Bass PLC/Six Continents PLC
Date of birth: January 22nd, 1965; Place of birth: Melbourne, Australia; Family: Wife Marie, Children Rachel (7), Rebecca (6), Sean (2)
Interests: I enjoy a wide range of sports, increasingly in spectator mode, although I still like to swim, ski and sail; travel; critical thinking; good food, fine wine and old friends.
Recommended books: (a) business: Carl Shapiro, Hal Varian ‘Information Rules’ is an essential read for just about anybody who provides services based on information; (b) non-business: Almost anything by Peter Carey, Richard Dawkins’ ‘The Blind Watchmaker’ for the way it so clearly and comprehensively explains the miracle of our existence. |
Article appeared in the February 2005 issue.