Finance Dublin
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Thursday, 6th February 2025
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Chairman of Revenue Commissioners to speak at Finance Dublin conference Back  
Dermot Quigley will address delegates at the Finance Dublin conference on March 29th on the topic ‘The Revenue Commissioners and the IFSC’. This is in light of recent media attention concerning the Revenue Commissioners taxation policy for the IFSC. Quigley will join a line up of 27 speakers. He will speak on Wednesday morning and partake in a panel discussion with taxation experts from the ‘Big Five’ accountancy firms during which he will be available to take questions from the floor.

Appointed Chairman of the Revenue Commissioners in July, 1998, Quigley is responsible for the policy and legislation areas in Revenue affecting all taxes (direct, indirect and capital). He has input on the annual Budget and the Finance Bill. He leads the Revenue Commission's participation in the Tax Strategy Group, which is chaired by the Department of Finance. Participating regularly in meetings of EU Tax Administrations covering all taxes, Quigley is a member of the Monti Group in Brussels through which he took part in discussions on Code of Conduct for Business Tax.

‘The Revenue Commissioners and the IFSC’ is a topic of immense importance for companies operating within financial services. Full details of the Finance Dublin conference are available at www.findub.com

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