Finance Dublin Conference speaker, Gerhard Huber, and author of 'A Day in the Life' in the January issue of the new Finance has been named CEO of Unofirst Group - after the E2.4 billion merger to form ‘the world’s first global internet banking group’.
The ‘largest European e-finance deal’ involves a merger between Uno-e, the internet bank that is being formed by Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria and First-e, a wholly owned subsidiary of enba plc, an incubator of financial services companies headquartered in Dublin. Also involved in the deal is Terra Networks, whose main parent is Telefonica.
A statement from the parties said the agreement ‘heralds the launch of the first global financial supermarket distributing own and third party products’. Said Dr Huber, ‘This move will enable us to build our strategy of growing our market through innovation and competitive pricing’.
At the conference Dr Huber will speak on the benefits of the internet for onshore operations and offshore operations, the future of financial services, security issues in internet banking, regulatory and taxation issues, and, will present a case study of First-e’s operations to date.
Also at the Conference will be a case study of EuroPlus, now Ireland’s largest fund management operation. Dr Pietro Modiano, president of Unicredito Italiano, the parent company of EuroPlus, will present the case study along with Fabio Innocenzi, CEO of EuroPlus.
Another central case study will be that of Sanpaolo Life, established in Dublin by Italy’s fifth largest life assurer as a European platform. Dr Paolo Molesini CEO Sanpaolo Vita SpA will present. |