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Thursday, 6th February 2025
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Who’s who in Finance: Emmett Dunleavy, Senior Investment Strategist, Hibernian Investment Managers Back  
Emmett Dunleavy
Senior Investment Strategist, Hibernian Investment Managers
Current responsibilities: Determining asset allocation and investment strategy for all our funds. Pitching for new clients. Developing new and alternative investment products.
E-mail: emmett.dunleavy@hibernian.ie
Education: Third level: UCD MBS Finance 1987; B.Comm 1986. Second level: St Brendan CBS, Bray.
Professional memberships: AIIMR
Career progress: 1993 to date : Hibernian Investment Managers. Initially managing the UK equity portfolio (93-95). I subsequently managed the US equity Portfolio (94-96) and I also managed the Irish equity Portfolio (96-97). For short periods of time I managed Pacific and Latin American equity portfolios. I have been investment strategist with responsibility for Asset Allocation since 1997. 1987 to 1993: Hill Samuel Fagan Investment Management. I was recruited as an equity analyst, reviewing Irish quoted companies. Subsequently promoted to Fund Manager managing the UK equity Portfolio. In addition responsibilities included compilation of quarterly client reports, and presentation of reports to segregated pension clients on a regular basis.
Personal: Family: Married with 3 children.
Social & sporting memberships: Riverview health club
Interests: Soccer, current affairs and motorsport.
Recommended books: Business: ‘Against the Gods; The remarkable story of risk’ by Peter Bernstein

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