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Property Survey 1997- 2002 Back  
For the past six years, Ireland’s leading financial services sector economists have given their predictions on the outlook for the Irish property market based on both bearish and bullish scenarios.
Writing in the property survey in 1998 Alan McQuaid, of Bloxham Stockbrokers said that the property boom may end,’ If anything, the market looks more over-heated than ever, as there is no doubt that first-time buyers are being squeezed out of the market. Hopefully the measures taken by the Government will help those seeking a house purely for dwelling purposes, rather than as an investment, but it will take time and in the meantime prices will continue to rise in the key areas.’
In 1999, Eoin Fahy, then with Ulster Bank Markets and now with KBC Asset Management, predicted that the Irish property market would continue to boom, ‘The key issue is supply - will the various measures taken by the Department of the Environment help to boost supply to the point where it meets demand? The likelihood is that it will take some time for this to happen, but in the meantime demand will remain strong, indeed very strong. I remain bullish on the Irish property market.’
In 2000, Bernard Feeney of Goodbodys said, ‘Latest data show that house price increases are moderating. Long-term trend is for further moderation because of rising interest rates, more moderate income growth, increased supply of serviced land and reduced immigration.

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