Finance Dublin
Finance Jobs
Friday, 7th February 2025
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Flexi-time - the number one benefit Back  
One in two people working in Dublin’s financial services companies see flexible hours as the most attractive employee benefit a benefits survey conducted by recruitment consultants Joslin Rowe has revealed.
Those surveyed were asked to identify what they would prefer to receive as a benefit from their employers, 49 per cent chose flexible hours. This was followed by a bonus with 46 per cent and the third most sought after benefit was gym/club subsidy with 42 per cent.
Of those surveyed, 60 per cent actually received a variety of benefits from their employers, 20 per cent claimed they received no benefits and the remaining 20 per cent were unaware of their entitlements. The most commonly offered benefit was contributory pension with 64 per cent. Bonuses and dress down day were identified as joint second with 63 per cent.
One hundred and fifty professionals within financial services were surveyed on employee benefits.

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