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Monday, 7th October 2024
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Irish president for the Federation des Experts Back  
David Devlin, a partner at PricewaterhouseCoopers Ireland has been elected president of the European federation of accountants for a two-year mandate. The 500,000 strong Federation des Experts Comptables Europ?ens (FEE) is the representative organisation for the accountancy profession in Europe and consists of 41 professional bodies from 29 countries.

On his appointment as FEE President, Mr. Devlin signalled that FEE’s goal must be US recognition of European arrangements for corporate governance in the widest sense as recognition of the equivalence of US and European approaches is central to restoring confidence in global capital markets. ‘Restoring confidence in global capital markets requires that all players in the financial reporting framework take their responsibility. FEE will continue to demonstrate the profession’s integrity, expertise and relevance by providing solutions consistent with the public interest,’ he added.

Devlin also emphasised that financial reporting is at the heart of the present crisis of confidence in global capital markets. He stressed that FEE will continue to demonstrate the profession’s commitment to high quality financial reporting.

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